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Cool Gimp Animation Tutorial

swpp cities on countries

>> Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

This training kit is designed to provide general awareness training to employees and contractors about stormwater pollution prevention. It describes Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are useful and important at a wide range of regulated facilities. It covers good housekeeping and other BMPs that help protect stormwater run-off. The kit includes a template to guide the trainer through creating site specific training to use in addition to the general training in the video. swppp Orange County
swppp San Diego
swppp San Bernardino
swppp Riverside
swppp Los Angeles
Governments and communities now recognise stormwater pollution as a major contributor to the degradation of many of the state’s natural waterways.
In Newcastle, concrete drains and channels have replaced extensive areas of natural creek and drainage systems. Stormwater pollutionhas impacted on the natural environment and the community in many ways:

  • Tonnes of sediment and rubbish are annually transported into the lower reaches of the city's creeks, estuary system and beaches  
  • Run off from roads and other sources contribute heavy metals, oils, bacteria, nutrients and other chemicals into the stormwater system and further pollute our waterways
  • Extensive areas of habitat and native species of flora and fauna have been lost to current generations
  • Creek systems such as Throsby Creek have become choked in the lower reaches with contaminated sediments that have poisoned marine species and impacted on the economic viability of recreational and commercial fishing
  • Plastics, styrene and other rubbish litter the mangrove forests of the Hunter estuaries detracting from the natural and spiritual values of these places for the community
  • Natural creeklines throughout the city experience erosion and sedimentation impact.
The management of catchments and the improvement of stormwater quality and quantity are increasingly important in meeting quality of life objectives for the community.

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